📅 November 23 (Saturday), 10am - 2pm
📅 November 24 (Sunday), 12 - 3pm
📍 St Nix Collectibles, Toys & Antiques
✨ Drop off your toy donations at our shop or purchase something at 35% off to donate and get a entry into some giveaways we will be doing
Come hang out with some Ghostbusters and support a good cause Kenzi's Causes
Can't make it in person? You can still be part of the holiday magic! Donate online, and every dollar goes directly to Kenzi’s Causes to brighten the holidays for children and families. ❤️
👉 Link to donate: https://gofund.me/6b821fc4
Thank you for making a difference in our community! 💚👻
#nationalghostbusterstoydrive #KenzisCauses #ThanksandGiving #spreadjoy #communitylove #HolidayGiving #ToyDrive2024 #nocogb #highplainsgb #profxgb #focogb #stnix #toystore #StoreClosing #filltheecto
